Sure enough, I’m not quite sure what to make of how I feel about you. I want to hate you so bad, yet I can’t seem to. Why is that? You weren’t completely honest with me to I had been pouring my heart and feelings to you. In my eyes that’s grounds for immediate write off.

How is it… I still linger.

Every time in the past, I have left. I don’t need the extra pain. I don’t need anyone else to lie to me (I do that enough to myself). I don’t need to waste any more of my time.

Listening to music the other day on my phone, I began arbitrarily scrolling through the pictures there I come across one of you and I pause. My face involuntarily and briefly contorts… and I feel moisture on my cheek. A tear? A fucking TEAR?! Over YOU?!


Oh my God! Why am I in this situation? Why did I fall in love… with you?

Not easily nor often do I give my heart out. I may like people, but my real love is saved for those who’ve proven that they deserve it! Why did I give it to YOU?! I think I DO hate you… I hate you so much…


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