Dredged up from my old blog

So I’ve been called out by the Puppy to post something about my experiences on Saturday. I know I haven’t been blogging much although MUCH has happened since my last blog. I don’t know… maybe I was saving it.

Saturday morning met me not in my own bed, not even my own house for that matter. My coughing and just miserable feelings from the night before had faded and I felt somewhat better. Next to me lay a sexy though somewhat misunderstood individual, curled up in the foetal position because the rain that had fell all morning had the air chilly. We were only friends so it seemed inappropriate for me to hold him and ‘warm him up.’ Groggily I went and took a piss then went to the porch to look at the city. High above Port-of-Spain the small yet very homely house stood nestled among the coconut trees just off Lady Young Road. The view was beautiful. Rain still fell over parts of the city and I watched the grey streaks smudge and obscure various landmarks. I was still sleepy.
For the past two weeks I had been fighting a cold that just seemed to not want to leave. I figured though, it was a combination of psychological frustration and lack of eating. My body and mind were both weak so the cold was having fun with me. That said, the night before I was having fits of heavy coughing and just plain nausea so I did not sleep much though admittedly MUCH better (in quality) than if I had stayed home.
Still early I went back to the bed and lay down to sleep but only after pulling the covers over the small shivering body of my companion.
I blinked (or so it seemed) and the room was brighter and I was alone. I heard a conversation going but only one voice so I figured he must me on the phone. I lay on the bed a stared up at the ceiling. I had…um…my morning male condition, and it wasn’t brought on by the need to pee so I willed it away before getting up. Anyone who knows me should know that I HATE clothes so when I sleep, if at home with no company, I am nude. Here I wasn’t nude but the pants was barely there so I didn’t want walk outside just so (it’s rude to point after all). Anyway…by the time I got to the living room the conversation was over.
Horus (for the tattoo on his arm) looked at me as I came into the room and grinned. “Slept well? Feeling better? Guess who just called me.”
Apparently for the first time ever, Horus got a call from Mars despite Mars having the number for more than a year. Mars was looking for me because I obviously wasn’t home last night… how sweet (Mars and I broke up some time before, the full story will be in another blog, you just need to know that for the story to make sense). I grimaced, brushed it off and sat on the couch.
The morning went by fairly quickly. Horus and I talked a lot, something I especially like doing with him because of his upbringing. The conversations always tend to be… different from most. We watched a movie and then he went off to do his laundry. Now I’m not one to be entranced by someone’s anatomy, I may like looking at well defined male torsos but I’ve never been one to stare. Horus however, the entire time I was there, wore a pair of ‘Skin’ boxers (and a loose yet fitted t-shirt) that fit him in a way that I NEVER saw fit anyone else and I caught myself STARING at the booty on more than one occasion. It was kind of unsettling but in a good way I guess. As I said before though, Horus and I are just friends so I only admire in silence and from a safe distance.
Time came for me to go home. First however, being the fashion guru that he is, I decided to ask Horus for help with a problem I had. That evening was the Pride Party my friends and I all made plans to attend. Our theme was to each go as a different colour of the Rainbow. I was green…oddly the one in the middle. Green is a colour I hate; therefore I had NO clothes with anything green in it. I decided to ask for a borrow. Had I a slamming body with chesticles and abdominalseses, some of the items he showed me would have been scandalously scorching to wear, I would have been remembered for years to come. But I have an ‘average’ build so they would have just been tacky! All I could find was a belt with a sequined buckle; I must admit I though, it looked cute despite my green issues. Belt in tow, I jumped in the taxi he called (it’s the only way to get transport in and out of there) and headed to City Gate to take a Maxi home.

The house was empty save for one co worker. Mars was still at work. I knew the evening would be hectic so I relaxed for a bit. Saturday is my only day off for the week so I did my best to get every ounce of rest that I could get out of it. I played a bit of ‘Warcraft III’ on my PC before Mars came home and started his usual shit spraying. Of late I had been wearing my Dohgivafuck apparel with anti-shit treatment so… I didn’t give a fuck and the shit slid straight off. He said he was so worried and I could have said something. I reminded him that he disappeared for 3 days last week without saying anything; I smiled then went back to my game.
I have the most accessible house in the ‘East’ so most times my friends and I have an outing they all rendezvous at my crib. Tonight was no different. First to arrive was Yardboy, Yellow in the Rainbow. We chatted and joked a bit as we waited for Red (Supafreak Jr.) and Orange (Dwiggy) to arrive. Still having no green apparel I was eagerly waiting to see what Orange was bringing for me to wear and praying to God that it would match the belt and my jeans. I was not disappointed! I was presented with a cute green ‘Puma’ t-shirt AND a pair of tan coloured boots. Sweet!
One ‘Sims’ Spin’ later and I was dressed. The reason I say that is because I apparently got ready the fastest (something I have to work on as a real ‘Ho’ knows how to “make ‘em wait”). I had a little adjusting to do as the t-shirt hugged me kind of wrong. I used a smaller tighter undershirt to hold everything in check (read: practical girdle), adjusted my posture (I tend to stand with a bit of a hunch despite being capable of standing properly) and I was good to go! Fully clothed it was time for my new interest….accessories! I knew I’d be wearing my black rubber bangles but I took a poll as to which neck accessory I should use. The Sun choker won by a landslide and I helped Yellow don the runner up, the dog tag. The final touch was somewhat unexpected. Orange when he was FINALLY almost ready pulled out two little diamond studs. They used to be magnetic but the magnets broke off. With a little Dwiggy magic he took one of the studs and attached it to my right ear. An awed hush covered the room and I felt a strange power flow through me. I felt different. I wasn’t sure, but I think its called confidence. I had it! For the first time ever…Lando was leaving his house AND he was looking HOTT!!

We sat in the car in front of Republic Bank in Port-of-Spain and waited for the rest of the crew to arrive. There we were; Red, Orange, Yellow, Green and Black point 5 (Lil Bro cause w share the same surname). The only reason we got there so soon is because Red threatened to leave without us if we didn’t get our asses in the car pronto while we were still at my house. We had made a stop in Tunapuna for Lil Bro and were now discussing how hungry we all were. Blue (Geico. A friend with ‘geckoish’ traits and a job in the insurance sector) bounced up to the car soon after started talking with us as well. When he noticed me however he feigned being blinded as he caught sight of the belt buckle, I was in glee! Within a few minutes, Indigo (Rasta Puppy) pulled up behind us, Blue jumped in the car and they sped off with us in pursuit.
At the venue the party seemed to be in full swing. We got out of our respective transports and greeted each other warmly. Puppy was wearing shades and I go a ‘pull down to see better’ from him, more glee for me! We lined off against the wall to have group photos but they kept on coming out blurry. Frustrated as to why people still refuse read the manual in this day and age, I told them to switch the camera to ‘sport’ setting. Voila, clean shot. Photo shoot over, we proceeded to the entrance but not before I asked Puppy for a little help adjusting my tee so the belt buckle would show (I’m new to this so baby steps!). While adjusting I made a sly comment. “So you finally getting your hands down my pants huh?” He countered with a friendly squeeze of my crotch and two handfuls of booty. I think he wanted to make me jump but I was high with that confidence thing and I just grinned.
At the door we saw a line of people standing outside… yet oddly they weren’t facing the entrance. I recognized two faces. Chocolate Chip and Shadow. Shadow is CC’s new people. I may not want them around CC for a number of reasons but that isn’t my place to decide. Anyway I of course go over and warmly greet CC and I am given the thrice over. He pointed at various items on my person and asked in his usual manner. “Negro, what is this??” I grinned and just responded, “A group project.” When I asked him why he was outside he said they were waiting for Slim Shady to arrive since they were supposed to baby-sit him. I told him I’d see him inside and left.
The original plan was to make an ‘entrance’ but the large albeit tacky venue didn’t want to co-operate because of the layout. Not to mention everyone kind of scattered to say their hellos and such. We all ended up trickling in one by one and I almost immediately spotted Ra.
Ra is a new interest of mine. Tall, cute, glasses, slim but not overly skinny (I like my men with a little meat on their bones), curly hair, light brown complexion, a wicked pair of lips, awesome supportive personality, a TAD bitchy (adds flavour and I love it!), kind of mature but keeps a youthful attitude… and he’s 19. That’s legal!! Ra was the first to start the ball rolling with my ‘make over’. He had me clean myself up (appearance-wise) and encouraged me to stay clean. He took me shopping to buy clothes, skin care products and accessories. This guy is just amazing. Within a few weeks of knowing him he took it upon himself to do nearly everything I used to ask Mars to help me with (who never did)… and I didn’t even have to ask. He said he saw a person with a lot of potential and wanted me to fulfil it. Needless to say we like each other a lot but I refuse to go too far with him till Mars is GONE because I never want Ra to be uncertain when it comes to me. I’ve messed up too many possible relationships in the past and I plan to take all the time in the world to make sure that if we are to have one, that its something we are both ready for. Getting back to the party…
I went over and gave him a hug. I complimented his outfit (child was looking hott!) and he complimented mine, looking at me all proud and stuff. It was too dark for him to see me blush so I was relieved. I left him and his friends for a bit to reunite with mine. They were in the process of getting drinks. Puppy took it upon himself to make sure I had fun that night so after a start up drink from Yardie, Geico and Puppy made sure that my hand was never devoid of a cup with alcohol.
I don’t dance. Not in public anyway. Genetically I should have exceptional rhythm because I’m mostly Negro. Somehow I don’t. Every party I have ever gone too I basically just stood up and watched my friends have all the fun. It’s not that I didn’t want to join in; it’s more a case of being too self conscious of my lack of motor and timing skills. Fear of being laughed at. Tonight was different for three reasons. First I was too high to care what other people were thinking. Second the confidence buzz was still strong. Thirdly and I think most importantly, I had promised Ra about 3 weeks prior at another ‘party’ of sorts that I would dance with him at the Pride Party. He has been so good to me, there was no way I could justify letting him down. I lack the flexibility of most of my more seasoned friends but I think I did okay. I was sweating, and not for poor ventilation. It was something to be relished so EVERYONE took the dance that I had denied them for so many years. I recall the look on Puppy’s face and the victorious laugh he let loose when he saw me MOVING. They all seemed proud and I was in bliss.
I balanced my time between Ra and my friends until I decided to combine the two by having him come over to where my friends were. We all had fun in our little corner of the venue for a while till time and tiredness got the better of us. It was a tad earlier than were accustomed to leaving but I guess we all had a rough week. I gave Ra a deep kiss goodbye and we headed to the car-park. On the way I passed C.Chip again and gave him a hug goodbye. I would not have minded dancing with him a bit too but Shadow is a bit ridiculous so decided against it to keep the peace. In the car park hugs and kisses passed around and we jumped into the car and headed into the heart of the city for a quick bite before heading home.
Yardboy was staying by me for the night so S.F.Jr. dropped us off first. I invited him to take a little nap before continuing cause my boy was tired (the way he moves on the dance-floor how could he NOT be?). He said he’d be fine and went on to drop Dwiggy home. I wish he took the nap…
For some reason I didn’t follow my regular routine of switching off my phone and left it on. I got a call a few minutes after reaching home from S.F. Jr. apparently he dozed off at the wheel and had an accident. He was okay and I thanked God sincerely for that but Betsy was severely hurt! Up till today she’s in critical condition and though most are telling S.F. Jr. that the best thing to do would be to let her go, he has faith that she’ll recover. It’s his baby after all.
Apart from the accident. The night was rather good. The party may have been kind of…cheap, but it was okay in the long run.
I can’t wait for Halloween!!


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